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Importing Data for Tabular Mapping

The Tabular Mapping tutorial describes how to setup tabular mapping in the Data Mapper.  This page describes how to import data from a tab-delimited file into the tabular mapping.

Importing data from an existing file is a much faster way to enter large sets of data into tabular mapping. First export the data from a two-column Excel spreadsheet into the tab-delimited Format by choosing the File -> Save as… option in Excel and selecting the ‘Tab Delimited Text (txt)’ file format for importing.

In the eiConsole Data Mapper, create a tabular mapping. (See Tutorial.) In the Tabular code mapping dialog click on the ‘Import’ button (marked with a file folder icon).  Then choose which file to open and the mapping will be automatically populated with the file data.


If the mapping already contains some Source and Target values, when selecting to import, it will ask whether to overwrite the existing data with our file or add to it.

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