These are the settings that are available to be changed in the eipServer.conf file. Note that each install comes with a pre-configured set of settings and it is recommended that they not be changed without reason. Before making any changes to this file, please create a backup copy so you can restore your original settings.
Base Settings
- EIP Instance ID ( ID paired with an EIP instance (Default Value is your Systems name. ID can be manually set with this configuration)
- ognlSettings.xml Location (com.pilotfish.eip.ognlsettings.path): The path to the ognlSettings.xml file that contains OGNL related settings. (Default Value = /path/to/install/ognlSettings.xml)
- eiPlatform Working Directory (com.pilotfish.eip.configDirectory): The working directory to be used by eiPlatform. (Default Value = /path/to/install/eip-root)
- Use Child Environment Settings? (com.pilotfish.eip.UseNestedEnvironmentSettings): Specifies if child environment-settings.conf files should be used; defaults to false (Default Value = false)
- Custom Startup Classpath Folder (com.pilotfish.eip.CustomClassPath): Specifies a folder for classes and JARS to be loaded at startup (Default Value = )
- Skip Empty Stages (com.pilotfish.eip.SkipEmptyStages): Specifies if empty or unused stages should be pruned from the stage topography (Default Value = false)
Transaction Logging
- Bare-Bones Transaction Logging (com.pilotfish.eip.txlog.only.basic): If true – bare-bones mode will be enabled, only basic statistics will be stored (Default Value = false)
- Bare-Bones DB Cleanup Period (com.pilotfish.eip.txlog.cleanup.period): Interval that the database checks for cleanup, in seconds (Default Value = 3600)
- Bare-Bones DB Cleanup Age (com.pilotfish.eip.txlog.cleanup.age): Age of Transactions to be kept in the database, in seconds (Default Value = 2592000)
- Enable Transaction Logging Server API? (com.pilotfish.eip.txlogapi.enable): If true – server-side transaction logging service API will be enabled (Default Value = true)
- LogConfig.xml Location – External (com.pilotfish.eip.logConfigFile): The path to the logConfig.xml file that contains Log4j configuration. (Default Value = /path/to/install/logConfig.xml)
- Enable Trace Level Logging? (com.pilotfish.eip.enableTraceLogging): If true – the TRACE level of logging will be enabled. (Default Value = false)
- Enable Detailed Transaction Logging? (com.pilotfish.eip.enableStagesDetailLogging): Enable transaction stages detailed logging. If disabled, only Transaction enter/close is logged. (Default Value = true)
- Pflicense.key Location – External (com.pilotfish.eip.license.file): The path to the pflicense.key file that contains the eiPlatform license information. (Default Value = pflicense.key)
- Minimum Thread Pool Count (com.pilotfish.eip.transact.baseThreadCount): Base thread count of the thread pool for legacy threading model. (Default Value = 4)
- Maximum Thread Pool Count (com.pilotfish.eip.transact.maxThreadCount): Max thread count of the thread pool for legacy threading model. (Default Value = 8)
- Initial Thread Pool Queue Size (com.pilotfish.eip.transact.queueSize): Initial Queue Size of the thread pool for legacy threading model. (Default Value = 50000)
- Base Thread Count in Pool-Per-Stage Mode (com.pilotfish.eip.ntm.stage.baseThreadCount): Base Thread Count for thread pool in pool-per-stage mode. (Default Value = 1)
- Max Thread Count in Pool-Per-Stage Mode (com.pilotfish.eip.ntm.stage.maxThreadCount): Max Thread Count for thread pool in pool-per-stage mode. (Default Value = 5)
- Idle Timeout in Pool-Per-Stage Mode (com.pilotfish.eip.ntm.stage.idleTimeout): Idle Timeout for thread pool in pool-per-stage mode. (Default Value = 60)
- Queue Size in Pool-Per-Stage Mode (com.pilotfish.eip.ntm.stage.stageQueueSize): Queue Size for thread pool in pool-per-stage mode. (Default Value = 500000)
- Custom Thread Factory Class Name (com.pilotfish.eip.CustomThreadFactoryCalss): Custom thread factory class name. (Default Value = )
- Thread Pool Idle Timeout (com.pilotfish.eip.transact.idleTimeout): Idle timeout of the thread pool for legacy threading model. (Default Value = 60)
- Maximum Transport Threads (com.pilotfish.eip.extend.maxTransportThreads): Maximum number of threads for transport modules. Used in legacy threading model. (Default Value = 75)
- Transport Retry Pause Length (com.pilotfish.eip.transact.retryTimer): Retry pause (in milliseconds) between transport execution attempts. Used in legacy threading model. (Default Value = 1000)
- Timeout Core Threads During Idle? (com.pilotfish.eip.ntm.allowCoreTimeout): If false (default) core threads stay alive even when idle. If true, core threads use keepAliveTime to time out waiting for work. (Default Value = false)
- Force All Daemon Threads? (com.pilotfish.eip.ForceDaemonThreads): If set to true – eiPlatform thread factory will make all the created threads daemons. Default to FALSE. This option helps to resolve issue with threads hanging on shutdown, but increases the risk of improperly completed operations. It is not recommended to use this option! (Default Value = false)
- Halt all Scheduled Threads on Shutdown? (com.pilotfish.eip.forceQuartzJobsToStopOnShutdown): If set to true – eiPlatform will shutdown all the EIP Scheduler job threads without waiting for them to complete gracefully. Default to FALSE. This option helps application hanging on shutdown. It is safe to set this option to true. (Default Value = false)
- Route Specific Thread Pooling? (com.pilotfish.eip.routeSpecificThreadPoolingEnabled): If set to true – the eiPlatform will use pool.xml files associated with Route.xml files in order to provide route-specific transaction pooling controls. Defaults to TRUE, changing this value is not generally recommended. (Default Value = true)
- Pool-Per-Stage Thread Timeout (com.pilotfish.eip.ntm.stage.expirationTimeout): Expiration Timeout for thread pool in pool-per-stage mode. Once it is expired, execution thread should be pushed out of the pool. (Default Value = 300000)
- Use Default Pools Per Route? (com.pilotfish.eip.ntm.PoolPerRoute): Defines default behavior of the system if pools are not configured explicitly. If true – initializes one thread pool for one route. In this case default thread pools options are used (Default Value = false)
- Remove Hanging Threads from Pool? (com.pilotfish.eip.ntm.checkPoolExpirationTimeout): If true – system will try to detect and remove from the thread pool the threads that are hanging for some reason. (Default Value = false)
- Force Shutdown of Thread Pools? (com.pilotfish.eip.ntm.forceThreadPoolShutdown): If true – the ThreadPoolExecutor.shutdownNow() will be used to turn off NTM Thread Pools (Default Value = false)
- eiPlatform Cache Name (com.pilotfish.eip.transact.defaultCache): The name of the default cache for eiPlatform. Possible values: memory, file, optimist, segment (Default Value = segment)
- Cache Segment Size (com.pilotfish.eip.transact.segmentCacheSize): The size of segment cache segments; this should ideally be set to align with Processor cache size (Default Value = 2048)
- Optimist Cache Buffer Size (com.pilotfish.eip.transact.cacheBufferSize): The buffer size for Optimist cache in bytes. If there is more available than this value – memory cache will be user. Otherwise – file cache. (Default Value = 1048576)
- Memory Cache Growth Percentage (com.pilotfish.eip.transact.cacheGrowthPercentage): The growth percentage for memory caches. Whenever a memory cache needs to be resized, this is the percentage by which it grows. (Default Value = 20)
- Use Checkpoint Caches? (com.pilotfish.eip.useCheckpointCaches): If false – eiPlatform will not store caches of the transaction data upon transaction receipt and transaction completion. Transaction restart depends upon these caches. (Default Value = false)
- Use Stage Caches? (com.pilotfish.eip.useStageCaches): If false – eiPlatform will not store caches of the transaction data between stages. Transaction Data recovery after error can depend upon these caches. (Default Value = false)
- Reload Libraries at Runtime? (com.pilotfish.eip.reloadLibsInRuntime): If true – eiPlatform will try to load new libraries to the system ‘on-the-fly’. (Default Value = false)
- Period to Check Libraries (com.pilotfish.eip.reloadLibsPeriodMs): Period in milliseconds to check for the new libraries. (Default Value = 600000)
- Statistics Collection Heartbeat Period (com.pilotfish.eip.ntm.heartbeat.period): Heartbeat period in milliseconds. It defines timeout for saving statistics data about each thread pool. (Default Value = 1000)
- Collect Statistics? (com.pilotfish.eip.ntm.collectStatistic): Set to ‘true’ if statistics should be collected. (Default Value = false)
- Statistics Collection Period (com.pilotfish.eip.ntm.memoryCheckPeriod): Period in milliseconds when system collects memory and threads statistics information. (Default Value = 1000)
- Period to Save Statistics in Memoy (com.pilotfish.eip.ntm.dumpStatisticPeriodSeconds): Period of time (in seconds) when system saves statistical data to disk. How long the eiPlatform keeps statistical data in the memory. (Default Value = 560)
- Statistics Collection Folder (com.pilotfish.eip.ntm.dumpStatisticFolder): The folder where eiPlatform should collect statistics. (Default Value = )
- Listener Volume Check Timeout Period (com.pilotfish.eip.ntm.listenerVolumeCheckTimeoutMs): Timeout (in milliseconds) to snapshot the listeners’ volumes. (Default Value = 1000)
- External Stage Listener Name (com.pilotfish.eip.ExternalStageListenerClass): Class name of the external stage listener. (Default Value = )
- Clone Data Object for External Listeners? (com.pilotfish.eip.CloneTxDataForExternalStageListeners): If ‘true’ – system will clone the TransactionData object before sending them to external stage listeners. (Default Value = false)
- Enable Notifiable Listeners? (com.pilotfish.eip.notifiableListenersEnabled): If set to true – the eiPlatform will initialize/shut down listeners which require specialized initialization or shutdown. Defaults to TRUE, changing this value is not generally recommended, as it may break some modules. (Default Value = true)
- Permit Stage Listening Modules? (com.pilotfish.eip.stageListeningEnabled): If set to true – the eiPlatform will permit stage listening modules. Setting this option to false will disable the functionality of these modules. Defaults to TRUE, changing this value is not generally recommended. (Default Value = true)
- Enable Listener Volume Control? (com.pilotfish.eip.volumeControlledListenersEnabled): If set to true – the eiPlatform will allow volume control listeners to monitor the activity of specified listeners. Defaults to TRUE, changing this value is not generally recommended. (Default Value = true)
- Check Listener / Transport Transaction Data for NULL values (com.pilotfish.eip.RuntimeCheckTransactionDataValues): If set to true – the eiPlatform will allow runtime check all listener/transport required attributes for null values and stop listener/transport call if at least one undefined value is found. Defaults to FALSE. (Default Value = false)
- Enforce the Transaction Live Time? (com.pilotfish.eip.ntm.checkTxTimeToLive): If true – eiPlatform will control the maximum transaction live time. (Default Value = false)
- Transaction Max Live Time (com.pilotfish.eip.ntm.txTimeToLive): Maximum time (in milliseconds) that transaction can live in the system. (Default Value = 300000)
- Use Route-Specific Time-To-Live? (com.pilotfish.eip.ntm.useRouteTxTimeToLive): If true – route-specific transaction time-to-live parameter will be used. Otherwise – the global one will be used. (Default Value = false)
- Period to Check for Timeouts (com.pilotfish.eip.ntm.checkTimeToLiveTimer): Period (in milliseconds) when system should check for time-out transactions. (Default Value = 200)
- Custom Transaction ID Generator Class Location (com.pilotfish.eip.ntm.TransactionIDGenerator): Define a class that implements com.pilotfish.eip.server.ntm.TransactionIDGenerator to be used as a default transaction ID generator (Default Value = )
- Use Transaction Observer (com.pilotfish.eip.regression.transactionObserver): Specifies whether the Transaction Observer system will be activated. (Default Value = false)
- Control transaction logging by dashboard (com.pilotfish.eip.dashboard.manage.txlog): If ‘true’ – transaction logging for listeners will be controlled by dashboard settings (Default Value = true)
- REST API Super User Username (com.pilotfish.eip.dashboard.User): RESTful API Super User username. (Default Value = )
- REST API Super User Password (com.pilotfish.eip.dashboard.Password): RESTful API Super User password. (Default Value = )
- REST API Auth Scheme ( RESTful API Authentication Scheme. Set to ldap to enable authentication via LDAP (Active Directory) (Default Value = standard)
- RESTful API LDAP Auth Host ( RESTful API LDAP Auth Host URL. (Default Value = )
- RESTful API LDAP Auth Host is using SSL ( RESTful API LDAP Auth Host is using SSL? (Default Value = false)
- RESTful API LDAP Auth Context Factory ( RESTful API LDAP Auth Context Factory Class (Default Value = com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory)
- RESTful API LDAP Security Authentication ( RESTful API LDAP Security Authentication (Default Value = simple)
- Enables the Hot Deploy functionality (com.pilotfish.eip.hotdeploy.enabled): If ‘true’ – Enables the ability to Hot Deploy to this eiPlatform instance (Default Value = true)
- Use QOS Request Filter? (com.pilotfish.eip.UseRequestQosFilter): QOSFilter requests to the embedded Jetty server (Default Value = false)
- QOS Filter Max Requests (com.pilotfish.eip.QosFilterMaxRequests): QOSFilter max requests parameter (Default Value: 300)
- Maximum Cleanup Files to Keep (com.pilotfish.eip.CleanupFilesMaxFiles): Maximum number of files to keep in cleaned-up directories; -1 for unlimited (Default Value = -1)
- Days to Keep Cleanup Files (com.pilotfish.eip.CleanupFilesMaxDays): Maximum number of days to keep files in cleaned-up directories; -1 to keep forever (Default Value = 30)
- Delete Empty Directories on Cleanup? (com.pilotfish.eip.CleanupFilesDeleteEmptyDirectories): If enabled, empty directories are deleted in cleaned-up directories (Default Value = true)
- Period Between Cleanup Cycles (com.pilotfish.eip.CleanupFilesPeriod): The period in time in milliseconds between cleanup cycles; if -1, cleanup executes only on system startup (Default Value = 86400000)
- Security Context XML Path (com.pilotfish.eip.SecurityContextFile): Path to the security context XML file. File contains authentication/authorization policy for eiPlatform users. (Default Value = securityContext.xml)
- API Access Roles Path (com.pilotfish.eip.APIAccessRolesFile): Path to the api access roles property. File contains authentication/authorization policy for eiPlatform api access roles. (Default Value =
- Module Access Roles Path (com.pilotfish.eip.ModuleAccessRolesFile): Path to the module access roles property. File contains authentication/authorization policy for eiPlatform module access roles. (Default Value =
- Access Control Allow Origin ( Specifies sites that can receive resources from the current domain (Default Value = *)
- Will GET Requests Include Available Webservices? (com.pilotfish.eip.modules.http.ShowAvailableServices): Specifies whether or not the response to HTTP Get requests will include a list of available webservices to hit (Default Value = true)