The Customer Portal can be accessed at the Customer Portal login page.
You will be presented with a login screen as shown below:
The credentials for the Customer Portal are the same as those used for the eiConsole.
Once you’ve signed in, you will be brought to the Products page.
The top table labeled ‘license key’ is your eiConsole license key. The ‘Runtime License Key’ is used for your various PilotFish runtime applications (eiPlatform, eiDashboard, eiTestBed). On the right hand side of the table, there is a button that says ‘Download Key’. This initiates a download for your unique ‘pflicense.key’ file that will be used in your runtime deployments.
If you are an administrator, you can manage user accounts associated with your PilotFish products. There is the option to add users, edit users and release actively occupied eiConsole seats.
When ‘Add User’ is selected, you are presented with the following window:
All that is required is to fill out their email address, First and Last names. Default access for the user is basic but you can choose to make the user an administrator at this step as well. Once ready, clicking the ‘Add User’ button will create a user for the account and an email will be sent to their provided address with their credentials.
When ‘Edit User’ is selected, you are presented with the following window:
In this window, accounts can be disabled or role level can be modified. Once the desired changes have been selected, clicking the ‘Edit User’ button will apply those changes.
The final option available is ‘Release Seats’. As mentioned previously, this will release all actively occupied eiConsole seats. When selected, you are presented with the following window:
On the bottom right-hand side of the Products page are the currently available licensed software downloads.
To download – first step is to filter for the version of the software required, then select the checkbox for the desired version and click the grey download button at the top-left:
Under the ‘Account Management’ tab, you will have the ability to updated your password. This applies to both your eiConsole login as well as the Customer Portal.
The first field is your current password you are moving away from using. The second and third fields will be the new password you are going to be using. Once entered, hit ‘Update Password’. You will need to update your password in the eiConsole after this. Open your console and you will be presented with the eiConsole License Management window. If your eiConsole is already opened, you can click on the top-right where your email address is shown (as seen below):
Once the eiConsole License Management window is open, you can fill in your new password information.
Type in your new password, then hit ‘OK’ and the window will disappear and you should be good to go.
Once finished with managing your PilotFish account and software, you can logout immediately by clicking on the ‘Logout’ button at the top-right of the website.
If you do not logout – after a time period, the website will log you out automatically.
If for some reason you have forgotten your password, there is the option to recover your password on the Customer Portal login page. Navigate to the Customer Portal login page, then click on ‘Forgot Password’ under the login window.
Enter your email address and follow the instructions in the email you receive to reset your password. Again, note that the password used for the Customer Portal is also used for your eiConsole so you will need to update your password information under the license management window as mentioned above.