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eiConsole v.21R1


eiConsole Tutorial Basic

Routing Modules

In the eiConsole, Routing Modules are used to send a message to some subset of defined target systems. To configure a Routing Module, start by selecting and opening an existing interface. Double click your interface to open the main route grid. Click the route icon in the main route grid and select the Routing Rules configuration tab.

Select the Routing Rules to define the interface's routing module description.

The eiConsole comes bundled with 3 out-of-the-box Routing Modules. The simplest of these and the default is the All Targets. This Module will take any inbound message and send it to each defined target system.

The "All Targets" built-in Module, will take any inbound message and send it to each defined target system.

The second included Routing Modules is the Load Balancer Routing Module. It balances the load of the target transports by successively calling all target systems. One target system is called for one transaction.
Note, that some of the transports may not be able to work properly with simultaneous connections or will be limited to some number of them.

The third is the XPath Routing Module. Most commonly, when you want to route a transaction to some subset of the defined target systems, you will use the content of the message or the metadata associated with the message to determine what data needs to be sent to which target systems. XPath is the most typical mechanism for querying this data.

XPath Transport Module which is used for sending subsets of data to targets.
To configure an XPath based Routing Module, select XPath/Attribute from the Routing Module drop-down. In the Module Configuration area, a tree will appear. At first, this tree will only contain a rules node.

Routing Rules configuration screen.
You will build this tree with all of the rules that you need to determine what information needs to be sent to which target systems. Select the Rules node by left-clicking and click on the Add Rule button to add a rule (or right-click on the node).

Click on the Add Rule button to define the first routing rule.

Click the Add Rule.

Add Routing Rule Screen.

The Add Routing Rule dialog will appear.

Select the Routing Rule Expression to Add, XPath Query is common.

There are several ways to associate expressions with rules. Most commonly you will use an XPath Query.

Associate the Routing Rule Expression with the Transport.


Example of Transport or Adapter in eiConsole.

After XPath Query is selected from the drop-down menu, you will associate a target system with this Rule. Select Transport Target. You’ll be able to select from all of the fully configured transports. In our case, it is only Example-Interface.Directory Transport.

Example of Routing Rule using XPath Query Expression.

Click OK.

Use layered XPath expression to route transactions.

Now, when this Routing Module has executed any time that the Desired Target equals System A (as seen in the diagram below) you will send the data along to this defined Transport.

Use layered XPath expression to route transactions.

You can add additional rules by clicking the Add Rule button again (or right-clicking the Rules node) and continuing in the manner that you did before.

Add additional Routing Rules for the transactions.


Example of Routing Rule with 2 Layers.

Rules can also be combined using Boolean operators. This can be done by clicking the Add Expression selecting an expression type as a Logical AND or Logical OR rather than an XPath Query.

Use Boolean AND / OR statements for additional message routing rules.


You can also query Transaction Attributes associated with a message using the Transaction Attribute Query option.

Query transaction attributes to be used in the message routing rules.

Attribute queries will allow you to inspect an Attribute associated with a transaction, apply an Operator and compare it to a particular Attribute value.

Query transaction attributes to be used in the message routing rules.

Rules can also be deleted and moved through the tree with control buttons (or right-click).

Routing Rules can be deleted or change the order of the execution using graphic buttons on the right.

When the route node of the Module configuration tree is selected, you’ll see that you have the option to stop after the first match. If you wish for the data to be sent to multiple target systems, you will want to uncheck this. This means that all XPaths will be evaluated and all XPaths that are returned true will have their transports invoked. When this is left checked, only the first rule that returns true will be invoked. Only that transport will be used.

Routing Rules Configuration - Stop after 1st match or uncheck to send message to multiple targets.

If you would like more information about using the eiConsole’s Routing Modules, please contact us at

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