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eiConsole v.21R1

The Email Alert Transaction Monitors will send an email to a specified address with error details when an exception occurs. To configure the Email Alert Transaction Monitor, click the Add Transaction Monitor button.

Add Transaction Monitoring to Route

Select Email Alert from the Transaction Monitor type drop-down. Give the Transaction Monitor a Name. Here we left the default. And click the Add button.

Select Email Alert from the Transaction Monitor Screen.

The Email Alert Transaction Monitor will appear in the Transaction Monitor grid.

The transaction monitoring grid displays all of the alerts for the route.

In the Basic tab, enter in the name of the SNMP Mail Server to use in the Server configuration item. Add the address from which the email should come. Also, enter the email address of the individual or email list that should receive this in the case of an exception. If desired, enter a Reply-To, CC, BCC or Subject line. Once this is configured you can send a Test Email; however, you will need to configure the Credentials first.

Email Alert Options for Route Monitoring

In the Credentials tab panel, enter in a User name and Password, if the server requires SMTP Authentication.

Email Credentials Panel - Transaction Monitoring and Email Alerts

On the Advanced tab, you can modify the Port of the SNMP Server and choose whether or not you would like to put the data in the body of an email or an attachment. You can also select the MIME type of the desired output message. Also, you can enable SSL protocol and Start TLS session properties. When the data is to be placed in an attachment, you can also specify the name of that attachment.

Advanced Options for the Transaction Monitoring Panel

On the Security tab you can specify:

Encrypt Message: Encrypt message or not.
Find Certificate By Email: Find Certificate By Domain name of the recipient’s email.
Public S/MIME Certificate: Public S/MIME Certificate for encryption. Note that network paths are not evaluated in the eiConsole.
Sign Message: Sign message or not.
Private Keystore (.p12) file: Path to keystore with .p12 certificate. Note that network paths are not evaluated in the eiConsole.
Private Key Name: Private Key Name.
Password for Private Key: Password for Private Key.

Email Alert in Transaction Monitoring - Security Options Panel

Now that you’re familiar with the Email Alert, take a moment to review the other two Transaction Monitors, if you haven’t already.

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