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Listener Panel

The Listener Panel is used for both listeners and transports. The layout of the panel varies only slightly between the usage, with the Processor Configuration Panel and Listener Configuration Panel changing order depending on the direction of the path. The Listener Configuration Panel defines the listener or transport type to be used, as well as allowing the user to specify a name for the particular component in question. Types may include directory listeners, directory writers, and so on. The complete list of the listener types is defined in Available Listener Types.

Listener Name Field
The Listener Name Field allows the user to enter a desired name for the listener or transport in question. This has no functional effect on the route, but does allow the user to organize information more efficiently.

Listener Type Selection
The Listener Type Selection allows the user to select a listener or transport type. Available listener types are defined in the Available Listener Types.

Listener Description Field
The Listener Description Field can’t be edited by the user, but provides a basic text description of the selected listener or transport type. Available types are defined in the Available Listener Types.

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