eiConsole v.24R1
Installation Guide – Windows
You will need to create a folder c:\PilotFish where you’ll install the software required for the eiConsole.
Step 1: Downloading and Installing OpenJDK Java 17
- Open your web browser and go to the OpenJDK archives for download at https://jdk.java.net/archive/.
- Scroll down the page to find Java 17 and click on it to expand the section.
- Under the “Windows” column, locate and click on the ZIP link to download the OpenJDK Java 17 for Windows.
- Save the downloaded ZIP file to a location on your computer, such as the Downloads folder.
- After the download is complete, navigate to the location where you saved the ZIP file and extract its contents.
- To extract the ZIP file, right-click on it and select Extract All. Choose the c:\ PilotFish folder as the destination for the extraction.
Step 2: Downloading and Installing Apache Tomcat 10
- Open your web browser and go to the Apache Tomcat download page at https://tomcat.apache.org/download-10.cgi.
- Under the Binary Distributions section, find the 64-bit Windows Service Installer and click on the link to download it.
- Save the downloaded installer to a location on your computer, such as the Downloads folder.
- After the download is complete, locate the downloaded installer and double-click it to run the installation.
- Follow the on-screen prompts in the installer. You can typically leave the default installation options as they are unless you have specific requirements.
- Make sure you select the JDK you installed in the previous step. In our case it is: c:\PilotFish\openjdk-17.0.2_windows-x64_bin\jdk-17.0.2:
- The following screens are the only screens where you need to change the defaults.
- Select the installation directory (which should be с:\PilotFish based on the previous steps) and proceed with the installation.
Step 3: Deployment of the eiPlatform WAR into Tomcat
- Download the eip.war from https://customerportal.pilotfishtechnology.com/portal/
You can login to the customer portal with your eiConsolel license credentials. If you don’t have credentials or do not see the needed eip.war file, reach out to support@pilotfishtechnology.com for assistance.
- Download the eip.war from https://customerportal.pilotfishtechnology.com/portal/
- It will be named something like eip.war.hs.23R1.101. Rename it to eip.war.
- Navigate to the Tomcat installation directory and select the webapps subdirectory. The eip.war file should be copied into that directory.
- Copy your pflicense file into the webapps\eip folder.
You can login to the customer portal with your eiConsolel license credentials and download it. If you don’t have credentials or do not see the pflicense, reach out to support@pilotfishtechnology.com for assistance.
- Copy your pflicense file into the webapps\eip folder.
- It will be named something like eip.war.hs.23R1.101. Rename it to eip.war.
- You need to restart tomcat (see below)
Starting and stopping the Tomcat service
- You can use the Windows Services tool to start and stop the service. This can be accessed via the Windows run prompt by specifying services.msc.
- From this dialog, select Apache Tomcat 10. The left-hand panel will then give you the option to either Start or Stop the service, if it was already running stop the service and then start.
- Go to the logs webapps\eip\logs where the eip.log file is, review and confirm there are no startup errors.