Mongo DB Listener
The Mongo DB Listener pools the MongoDB with requests from JSON file and returns results in JSON Format.
Listener (Adapter) Configuration Drop-Down List
Basic Mongo DB Listener Configuration Options
On the Basic you can specify:
- Polling Interval – How often the Input File query is executed. If the value is set with enhanced properties, the units are seconds.
- Database – the database to be queried
- Collection – the collection to be queried
- Command – the command to use for the MongoDB operation
Mongo DB Listener Basic Configuration Options
Advanced Mongo DB Listener Configuration Options
On the Advanced you can specify:
- Initialize on Trigger Only – if enabled, the Listener doesn’t start up until a trigger initializes it
- Allow Command-Line Invocation – if enabled, the Listener can be invoked using the CLI client application
- Restart on listening error – if enabled, the Listener will be restarted after an error occurs
- FIFO Queue Name – The FIFO stuff enables a “First In, First Out” queuing mechanism between Listeners and Transports. If a “FIFO Queue Name” is provided, that name will be used as a key for a queue Transactions & will be pushed into before reaching a transport. They’ll be ordered in this queue according to when the Listener created them.
- FIFO Queue Delay – It is the interval between updates/checks against that queue. Providing a queue name guarantees that a given Transport sends transactions in the same order the Listener created them in.
- Write Concern – the write concern, which controls how MongoDB balances write speed vs content safety
- Read Preference – the read preference, which controls how MongoDB Routes read operations to the members of a replica set
- Read Concern – the read concern, which controls how MongoDB handles returning data from a query
Mongo DB Listener Advanced Configuration Options
- Filter Encoding – the encoding for the JSON text used as the filter for the MongoDB operation
- Document Encoding – the encoding for the JSON text used as the document for the MongoDB operation
Mongo DB Listener Advanced Configuration Options
Transaction Logging Mongo DB Listener Configuration Options
On the Transaction Logging tab, you can enable transaction events logging. That data can be logged by a Transaction Event Listener (TransactionEventListener).
- Transaction Logging Enable – this checkbox allows transaction events originating from this Listener to be logged by a Transaction Event Listener (TransactionEventListener)
- Log Transaction Data – if enabled, logs transaction data body
- Log Transaction Data Base64 – if enabled, logs transaction data body as Base64
- Log Transaction Attribute – if enabled, logs transaction attributes
- Log All Attributes – if enabled, no attributes will be filtered
- Allowed Attributes – attributes that are allowed to be logged
Mongo DB Listener Transaction Logging Configuration Options
Inactivity Mongo DB Listener Configuration Options
On the Inactivity tab you can specify:
- Enable Inactivity Monitor – check this box to enable inactivity monitoring – this will throw a non-transaction exception if the specified number of transactions haven’t been processed in the specified time interval
- Minimum Transactions to Expect – the number of transactions to expect to be completed per monitoring interval
- Monitoring Interval – how often to check the specified number of transactions have been processed
- Times to Monitor – if set, monitoring will be done during the defined times of day – to ignore, set start and end time equally
- Days to Exclude from Monitoring – inactivity monitoring will not occur on the days specified
- Include Errors in Transaction Count – if checked, transactions that attempted to start, but failed at the Listener stage, will also be counted
Mongo DB Listener Inactivity Configuration Options
Throttling Mongo DB Listener Configuration Options
On the Throttling tab, you can specify:
- Throttling Mode – the throttling mode to use for limiting the number of transactions or messages emitted by this Listener. “Timed” will limit transactions based on time intervals, while “Concurrent” will limit based on a concurrent number of transactions. “Concurrent” mode requires a Throttling Response Processor step later in the interface workflow to acknowledge completion.
- Throttling Mechanism – the mechanism to use for throttling messages. “Blocking” prevents the Listener from continuing to process and emit messages altogether, while “Queued” pushes received messages into the Interface queue (or a default, in-memory queue).
- Max Concurrent Messages – how many messages can be concurrently processed, either by time-based limits (“Allow X per Second”) or synchronous (“Allow X at any Time”)
- Timed Emission Interval – the interval for time-based limits (“Allow X per X Timed Emission Interval”)
- Synchronous Timeout Interval – the interval to wait for a synchronous response before failing
Mongo DB Listener Throttling Configuration Options
Query/Document Mongo DB Listener Configuration Options
On the Query/Document tab you can specify:
- Filter Source – the source to use for the JSON that is the filter of this MongoDB query
- Filter File – the file to get the JSON filter query from
- Filter JSON – the JSON query to use as the filter in the MongoDB operation
- Document Source – the source to use for the JSON that is the document being sent to the MongoDB
- Document File – the file to get the JSON document to send to the MongoDB database
Mongo DB Listener Query/Document Configuration Options
- Document JSON – the JSON document to send to the MongoDB database
Mongo DB Listener Query/Document Configuration Options
Options Mongo DB Listener Configuration Options
On the Options tab you can specify:
- Insert Is Ordered – if true, and multiple documents are inserted, they will be inserted in the order they are provided
- Update Type – the type of update operation to perform. Replace One will replace a single, entire document. Update One will perform specific update operations against a single document. Update Many will perform specific update operations against multiple documents.
- Upsert – if true, the update operation will perform an upsert, meaning it will insert the document if no matching documents are found
- Return Matched Document – if true, the document being updated/deleted will be returned upon the completion of the operation instead of a summary of the operation
- Delete Type – The type of delete operation to perform. Either delete the first found matching document or delete all matching documents.
- Bulk Write Is Ordered – if true, the bulk write will execute the operations in the order provided, and will also skip any subsequent operations if anyone of them fails.
Mongo DB Listener Options Configuration Options
Connection Mongo DB Listener Configuration Options
On the Connection tab allows you to set the following settings:
- Use Shared Connection – Uses a shared connection for communicating with the MongoDB database. This is the recommended configuration because it most efficiently processes connection.
- Shared Connection Name – if the shared connection is selected, this assigns the name of the connection to use
- Server Host – the host IP address of the MongoDB server
- Server Port – the port number of the MongoDB server
- Use Credentials – whether or not to use credentials when connecting to the MongoDB database
- Auth Database – the name of the database to use for authentication
- Username – the username to access the database
- Password – the password to access the database
Mongo DB Listener Connection Configuration Options
- Credential Protocol – the protocol to use when delivering the credentials to the MongoDB database
- Timeout – the amount of time to wait on a MongoDB operation, in seconds
- Max Pool Size – the maximum number of connections in the connection pool
- Max Connection Idle Time – the maximum amount of time to keep an idle connection alive in the pool
- SSL Enabled – if true, SSL/TLS will be used to establish connections with the database
- SSL Allow Invalid Hostnames – if true, the MongoDB client will connect to databases where the hostname in the certificate is seen as invalid
Mongo DB Listener Connection Configuration Options