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Saturation Listener

Saturation Listener – Saturates the EIP with transactions, chosen randomly from the specified source directory. The Listener randomly selects the file from the specified source directory and uses it as input data.

Select Saturation Listener from the Listener Type drop-down. There are 3 tabs: Basic, Advanced and Transaction Logging.

1. Basic: In the Basic tab, you can specify:

Source Directory: Specifies directory to poll transactions from. Note that network paths are not evaluated in the eiConsole.
Polling interval (ms): Specifies a time (in milliseconds) between each transaction.

2. Advanced: At the Advanced tab, you can specify:

Initialize on trigger only: If enabled, Listener doesn’t start up until a trigger initializes it.
Allow command-line invocation: If enabled, Listener can be invoked using the CLI client application.

Restart on listening error: If enabled, the Listener will be restarted after an error occurs.

FIFO Queue Name: The FIFO stuff enables a “First In, First Out” queuing mechanism between Listeners and Transports. If a “FIFO Queue Name” is provided, that name will be used as a key for a queue Transactions & will be pushed into before reaching a transport. They’ll be ordered in this queue according to when the Listener created them.

FIFO Queue Delay: It is the interval between updates/checks against that queue. Providing a queue name guarantees that a given Transport sends transactions in the same order the Listener created them in.

3. Transaction Logging – This tab allows us to enable transaction events logging. That data can be logged by a TransactionEventListener.

The Transaction Logging Enable checkbox allows transaction events originating from this listener to be logged by a TransactionEventListener.

Log Transaction Attribute – if enabled, logs transaction attributes.

Log Transaction Data – if enabled, logs transaction data body.

Log Transaction Data Base64 – if enabled, logs transaction data body as Base64.

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