AS2 Transport
The AS2 Transport sends messages to an AS2 server via HTTP Post request in the eiConsole or eiPlatform.
Transport (Adapter) Configuration Drop-Down List
Basic AS2 Transport Configuration Options
On the Basic tab, you can specify:
- Partnership Name – the name of the Sender-to-Receiver Partnership
- Encryption Algorithm – if message encryption is desired, the algorithm to use. Supported algorithms include 3DES, CAST5, IDEA, and RC2.
- Signing Algorithm – if message signing is desired, the algorithm to use. Supported options include: MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512. Note: Some of these algorithms require the Java Cryptography Extension Unlimited Strength Policy files, explained in more detail and available for download here.
- Compress Message – select this option if message compression is desired
- Timeout Length – how long to wait for an HTTP connection before timing out
- Retry Count – how many times an unsuccessful transmission should be retried
AS2 Transport Basic Configuration Options
Sender AS2 Transport Configuration Options
On the Sender tab, you can specify:
- Message Subject – the user-defined subject for this AS2 message
- Sender ID – the ID of the Sender (this system)
- Sender Email – the email of the Sender
- Sender Key Alias – the alias of the key to be used for message signing
AS2 Transport Sender Configuration Options
Receiver AS2 Transport Configuration Options
On the Receiver tab, you can specify:
- Receiver ID – the ID of the system that will be receiving messages
- Receiver URL – the URL of the HTTP endpoint where messages should be sent
- Receiver Key Alias – the alias of the Receiver’s key which will be used for encryption
- Receiver Certificate File – the Receiver’s certificate file
AS2 Transport Receiver Configuration Options
Advanced AS2 Transport Configuration Options
On the Advanced tab, you can specify:
- Encoding Type – the encoding method for the AS2 message. If in doubt, leave the value as ‘UTF-8’.
AS2 Transport Advanced Configuration Options
MDN AS2 Transport Configuration Options
If an asynchronous MDN response is desired, it can be specified on the MDN tab along with the URL where the asynchronous response should be sent. If unsure, leave ‘Synchronous’.
AS2 Transport MDN Configuration Options
KeyStore AS2 Transport Configuration Options
On the KeyStore tab, you can specify:
- KeyStore Path – the path to the KeyStore file where the decryption key is stored
- KeyStore Type – the type of KeyStore. We support PKCS12, JKS, and JCEKS KeyStore types.
- KeyStore Password – if needed, password to unlock the KeyStore
- KeyStore Attribute – if the KeyStore information is stored in a Transaction Attribute, that information can be provided here
AS2 Transport KeyStore Configuration Options
TrueStore AS2 Transport Configuration Options
On the TrustStore tab, you can specify:
- TrustStore Source – TrustStore Source. OS source on macOS is limited to user’s Key Chains only (JVM, Operating System, TrustStore File, Transaction Attribute)
- TrustStore Type – the format of the TrustStore file (PKCS12, JKS, JCEKS)
- Trust Store Password – password for the certificate store
- TrustStore File – file path for a certificate store
- TrustStore Attribute – specifies the attribute to load the trust store from
AS2 Transport TrueStore Configuration Options
Proxy AS2 Transport Configuration Options
If the use of a proxy is required, the necessary Proxy Host, Proxy Port, and credential information can be entered on the Proxy tab.
AS2 Transport Proxy Configuration Options