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eiConsole v.25R1

eiConsole Advanced – Transports / Adapters

eiConsole Transport Types (Adapters)

Easily connect to any “Target” System or Service, regardless of Communication Protocol, with the eiConsole’s Transport Adapter Component

B2B Transport

The Transport Adapter component of the eiConsole allows you to connect to any Target system or service regardless of communication protocol. Using the graphical Interface to configure the Transport, you simply click the Transport icon, select a Transport from the drop-down list and fill in the configuration information for the type of Transport selected.

B2B Adapter/Transport Configuration

Transport (Adapter) Configuration

B2B Transport Adapter Type Selection

Transport Configuration Drop-Down List

The eiConsole has 36 Transports (Adapters) included with it out-of-the-box. Click on any of the links below for detailed information of the many configuration options available for each Transport. The most popular Transports are highlighted in bold *.

B2B Adapters – Transports
API XL TransportGoogle Cloud Storage TransportNull Transport
AS2 TransportHL7 LLP Transport *Process Orchestration Transport
AWS S3 Transport *HL7 MLLP (Simple) TransportRESTful Web Service Transport *
AWS SNS TransportHTTP POST Transport *RabbitMQ Transport *
AWS SQS TransportHadoop HDFS TransportRedis Transport
Ant TransportJMS Transport *RouteToRoute Transport
Database (SQL) Transport *Kafka TransportSocrata Open Data Transport
Directory/File Transport *LDAP TransportSplunk Event Logging Transport
Email (SMTP) Transport *Listener Trigger TransportSynchronous Response Transport *
Execute Command Line TransportMQTT TransportUDP Transport
FTP/SFTP Transport *MSMQ TransportVistA RPC Transport
Generic Socket TransportMongoDB TransportWebSphere MQ Series Transport

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