MTOM Input Processor
MTOM Input Processor – Parses an MTOM message into text and a binary file. Converts a SOAP Request into an MTOM message and includes a binary file.
The MTOM Input Processor allows you to parse an MTOM-encoded (Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism) message into text. As with all the components of the eiConsole the user is presented with a graphical interface with easy to configure panels.
Select the Processor Configuration tab and click on Add Processor.
Configuring the MTOM Input Processor requires first specifying a parameter handling method (XPath or Literal). The “XPath” and “Literal” configuration tabs are selected based on this parameter handling. Using the XPath-based method, the user supplies two XPath expressions to provide the external reference ID for attachments and the attachment filename. With the literal-based method, the user provides only a file folder and a path for the attachment.