JavaScript Execution Processor
***NOTE: This Processor is no longer available (version 22R1 and up). Please use the Execute Script Processor***
The JavaScript Execution Processor executes JavaScript code on transaction data. The result of this Processor will either be the value of the last line executed in the script, or the return value of a function invoked.
Select the Processor Configuration tab and click on Add Processor.
Select the JavaScript Execution Processor from the drop-down.
Select the Basic tab.
The JavaScript File is the file path to the JavaScript transformation file.
Cache Script: Cache the JavaScript file content so it doesn’t need to be reloaded into memory on each execution
JavaScript File Encoding: the encoding of the JavaScript file
In the Conditional Execution tab, you can set additional processor execution conditions. The Transaction data dependent condition may be specified here as enhanced expression. If this expression returns anything other than TRUE (ignore case) – this processor will be skipped. No additional configuration for this Processor is required.
On the Execution Style tab you can specify:
Run Full Script: If true, the full script will be executed. Otherwise, a function in the script will be executed
Invoke Function Name: The name of the function to invoke.
On the Transaction Data tab you can specify:
Include Transaction Data Content: If the content of the Transaction Data should be included as a variable in the JavaScript execution.
Content Variable Name: Specifies the name of the variable that will contain the Transaction Data content in the JavaScript.
Content Type: The type of data being included in the JavaScript
Content Encoding: The encoding of the data to expose in the JavaScript
Include Transaction Attributes: Whether or not to include the Transaction Attributes as a variable in the JavaScript
Attributes Variable Name: The name of the variable that will contain the Transaction Attributes in the JavaScript.
On the JavaScript Extensions tab you can specify:
“console” Object Name: The name of the variable, if any, to assign a custom implementation of the JavaScript console to, that delegates all logging methods to the PilotFish logger.
“btoa” Function Name: The name of the variable, if any, to assign a custom implementation of the JavaScript btoa() function to. This replicates functionality that is not available in the provided JavaScript engine.
“atob” Function Name: The name of the variable, if any, to assign a custom implementation of the JavaScript atob() function to. This replicates functionality that is not available in the provided JavaScript engine.